What is a Certificate of Insurance, and How do I Get It?

Navigating the various documents and policies can be overwhelming. One such document that often confuses is the Certificate of Insurance (COI). Understanding what a COI is and how to obtain one is crucial for individuals and businesses to ensure they are adequately protected. 


This blog aims to demystify the concept of COIs, explain their importance, and provide guidance on obtaining one.

What Is a Certificate of Insurance?

A Certificate of Auto Insurance is a document issued by an insurer to confirm coverage for a specific individual or entity. It serves as proof of insurance and typically includes key information such as the type of coverage, policy limits, and effective dates. COIs are often requested by third parties, like clients or business partners, to confirm adequate insurance before activities or transactions.


How Does a Certificate of Insurance Work?

When a party requests a COI, the insured party contacts their insurance provider to request the document. The insurance company then issues the COI, usually directly to the requesting party. The COI does not alter or amend the insurance policy in any way but simply confirms coverage as of the date of issuance.

Why You Need a Certificate of Insurance

A COI is essential for demonstrating proof of insurance coverage, especially when liability is a concern. For businesses, presenting a COI may be a requirement when entering into contracts or agreements with clients or vendors. Additionally, individuals may need a COI when renting property or participating in certain activities where insurance coverage is necessary.

Difference Between an Insurance Policy and a COI

It’s important to understand that a COI is not an insurance policy but a summary of the insurance coverage in place. While an insurance policy outlines the terms, conditions, and coverage provided by the insurer, a COI is evidence that the policy exists and is current. Think of the COI as a snapshot of the insurance policy at a specific time.

How to Get Your COI

Obtaining a COI is typically straightforward. You can contact your insurance provider and request a COI if you already have an insurance policy. Be prepared to provide details such as the name and address of the party requesting the COI and any specific requirements they may have. Your insurance provider will generate the COI and send it to the designated recipient.


Get Your Insurance Needs Met with Active Insurance

Knowing what a Certificate of Insurance is and how to get one is crucial for ensuring proof of insurance coverage when it counts. By familiarizing yourself with the purpose and function of COIs, you can confidently navigate insurance requirements and protect yourself against potential liabilities. 


At Active Insurance, we understand the importance of comprehensive coverage tailored to your needs. Our team of experienced agents is here to help you navigate the insurance landscape and ensure you have the protection you need. Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, or individual looking for peace of mind, we’ve got you covered. 

Contact us today to learn more about our insurance solutions and how we can help you get the coverage you need.

How Much Does Car Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

Car accidents can be distressing experiences, both physically and financially. Beyond the immediate concerns of vehicle damage and potential injuries, many drivers worry about the long-term impacts on their car insurance rates. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the question: How much does car insurance go up after an accident?

If Someone Hits You, Will Your Insurance Go Up?

One of the first questions that come to mind after being involved in an accident is whether your insurance rates will increase. In most cases, if someone else hits you and is found to be at fault, your insurance rates should not increase. Your insurer typically handles the claim through the at-fault driver’s insurance policy, sparing you from rate hikes.


However, suppose the other driver is uninsured or underinsured. You might have to rely on your own insurance coverage, potentially leading to increased rates, although this varies depending on your policy and state regulations.

How Much Does Car Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

The impact of an accident on your car insurance rates can vary widely depending on several factors. These factors include the severity of the accident, your driving history, your insurance provider, and the state in which you reside.


On average, a single accident can increase car insurance rates by 25% to 60%. However, some drivers may experience more significant hikes, especially if the accident involves serious injuries or extensive property damage.


Insurance companies use complex algorithms to assess risk and determine premium adjustments. They consider the likelihood of future claims based on your past driving behavior and accident history. If you had a clean driving record prior to the accident, your rate increase might be less severe than someone with a history of accidents or violations.


How Long Do Accidents Stay on Your Record?

The duration an accident stays on your driving record also varies depending on state laws and individual insurance company policies. Accidents can generally remain on your record for three to five years. During this time, they will likely influence your insurance rates, although the impact may gradually decrease, especially if you maintain a clean driving record.

How to Lower Car Insurance Rates

While accidents can lead to increased insurance premiums, there are several steps you can take to potentially lower your car insurance rates:


  1. Shop Around: Compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to ensure you get the best rate possible. Different insurers weigh factors such as accidents and driving history differently, so you may find better options elsewhere.
  2. Increase Deductibles: Opting for a higher deductible can lower your monthly premiums, although it means you’ll have to pay more out of pocket in the event of an accident.
  3. Bundle Policies: Many insurance companies offer discounts for bundling multiple policies, such as auto and homeowners insurance.
  4. Take Defensive Driving Courses: Completing a defensive driving course can demonstrate to insurers that you are committed to safe driving, potentially leading to discounts on your premiums.
  5. Maintain a Clean Driving Record: Avoiding accidents and traffic violations is the most effective way to keep your insurance rates low over the long term.

Rely on Active Insurance

the aftermath of a car accident can be stressful, especially when considering the potential impact on your insurance rates. By being proactive and maintaining a safe driving record, you can minimize the financial consequences of accidents and keep your car insurance rates affordable. Contact us at Active Insurance so we can help you navigate the insurance world with ease.

Is Adding Someone to Your Car Insurance Possible?

Car insurance is a vital aspect of responsible vehicle ownership, providing financial protection in case of accidents or other unforeseen events. Many drivers wonder whether they can add someone to their car insurance policy. In this guide, we’ll delve into the details of adding another driver to your car insurance and explore the various aspects surrounding this practice.

About Car Insurance Coverage

Before delving into the specifics of adding someone to your car insurance, it’s essential to understand the basics of car insurance coverage. Car insurance offers financial protection for vehicle-related physical damage, bodily injury from collisions, and liability stemming from vehicular incidents.


Is Adding Someone to Your Car Insurance Possible?

Yes, adding a second driver insurance policy is indeed possible. Insurance companies allow policyholders to add additional drivers to their existing policies, but there are certain considerations and procedures involved in this process.

Adding a Driver vs. Sharing a Policy

It’s essential to distinguish between adding a driver to your policy and sharing a policy with someone else. Adding a driver involves including another individual as a covered driver under your existing car insurance policy. On the other hand, sharing a policy implies having a joint policy with someone else, where both parties are listed as primary drivers and are equally responsible for the policy.


Who Can You Add to Your Car Insurance

Generally, you can add various individuals to your car insurance policy, including family members, friends, and even household members. However, the eligibility criteria may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific terms of your policy. Reviewing your policy documents or consulting with your insurance agent to determine who can be added to your policy is crucial.

How to Add Someone to Your Car Insurance Policy

Adding someone to your car insurance policy typically involves contacting your insurance provider and providing the necessary information about the additional driver. You may need to provide details such as the driver’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and driving history. Additionally, depending on your insurer’s policies, additional paperwork or documentation may be required.


Once the information is submitted, your insurance provider will assess the risk of adding the new driver to your policy and adjust your premium accordingly. The cost of adding a driver to your policy may vary based on the driver’s age, driving record, and the type of vehicle insured.

Find Affordable Coverage with Active Insurance

Adding someone to your car insurance policy is indeed possible and can be a convenient option in certain situations. Whether you’re adding a family member or a friend, it’s essential to understand the process and the implications involved.


Active Insurance is here to ensure adequate coverage and comply with Illinois state law. Contact us, and let us help you get covered.

4 Ways You Know You Need a Better Auto Insurance Provider

For years, Pronto Insurance has prioritized every client’s satisfaction. This means working around the clock to ensure they’re cared for, no matter the situation. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for some companies to ignore this guiding principle and refuse to abide by their customers’ wishes. This is known as acting in bad faith. So, how will you know if your auto insurance provider does not have your best interests in mind? Recognizing the following signs can help you take appropriate action to protect yourself.
They Don’t Properly Investigate Claims
The claims process can take several weeks to complete. However, insurance companies acting in bad faith will often face unjustified delays. Not surprisingly, these delays often result in financial strain and inconvenience for policyholders. Additionally, an insurer who acts in bad faith may deny a claim without a valid reason.
There is No Proper Communication
The relationship between a client and an insurance company should be built on frequent and effective communication. Your insurance company should keep you informed and updated throughout your claims process. If they consistently ignore your calls or emails or fail to update you on your situation, it may be a sign they’re acting in bad faith.
They Offer Low Settlements
A claim generally concludes when you reach the settlement offer stage. In many cases, settlements are agreed upon by all parties. Sometimes, if a claim is deemed low, clients can dispute by entering into a process in which they can seek a renegotiation. If your settlement is unreasonably low and your insurer refuses to negotiate it somewhat, they could be acting in bad faith.
You Deserve Reliable Coverage
Over the years, Pronto Insurance has built a reputation of trust and reliability and:

-We thoroughly believe that our protection can make a difference in our clients’ lives and work tirelessly to ensure their satisfaction.
-With a focus on accessibility, Pronto Insurance caters to diverse customer needs, offering a range of customizable plans that ensure individuals receive the specific protection they require.
-Pronto’s dedication to customer satisfaction, competitive rates, and a wide network of service locations make it a trusted partner for drivers seeking comprehensive and hassle-free insurance solutions.

Call Pronto Insurance
If you suspect your current insurance company is acting in bad faith, don’t wait for the situation to worsen.

Our insurance agents are ready to speak with you, help you evaluate your needs, and provide the protection you can count on. Contact us today to learn more about how we can make a difference in your life in:

  • Renter’s Insurance
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Motorcycle Insurance
  • Homeowners Insurance

3 Ways Your Age Can Impact Your Car Insurance Rates

Not many of us want to admit it, but getting older can be beautiful. It gives us a new outlook on life and even lets us look back at everything we’ve experienced through a new lens. As you age,
you may even notice your car insurance needs and preferences have evolved.
At Pronto Insurance, your coverage is an evergreen tool that should be reviewed at every stage of life. If you believe your age may impact your coverage requirements and want to make informed decisions about your insurance going forward, consider the following considerations.
Consider Your Driving Habits
Take a moment to consider the way you drive today. There’s a big chance you drive less frequently due to some life changes – perhaps your children are of driving age, or you’ve recently started working from home. If you feel like your annual mileage has decreased, you may be eligible for lower insurance premiums.
Did you know, if you have maintained a clean driving record, you may get discounts that reflect your upstanding driving experience.
Evaluate Your Vehicle and How You Use It
As we mentioned above, you may have arrived at life changes that could change what you drive and how you do so. For instance, you may have recently become an empty nester and have chosen to downsize your vehicle. Or maybe you’ve recently retired and no longer need to commute to work.
These changes can impact your insurance coverage, premiums, and discounts. Contact your insurance company to see if how you drive now translates to savings on your insurance rates.
Take Advantage of All Savings Options
As you age, you may be eligible for discounts only available to mature drivers. Defensive driving course discounts, loyalty savings, and bundled insurance policies could significantly affect your insurance expenses.
Make a habit of reviewing your insurance policy regularly to ensure it meets your current needs. If specific components or your driving habits are no longer helpful, make adjustments that align with changes and positively impact your financial situation.
Pronto Insurance Is Here for You
Whether you’ve been on the road for decades or just set off on your first driving adventures, Pronto Insurance has your back. Our coverage options prioritize your safety, finances, and peace of mind so you can always take to the road with confidence. Contact our insurance agents today to learn more about our services or to request a quote.

What to Expect When You File a Car Insurance Claim

A car accident is a stressful and overwhelming situation to live through, especially if substantial damage or physical harm is present. Add to that the process of filing an insurance claim, and the post-accident experience can become even more daunting, especially if you have never filed a claim with your auto insurance provider. Understanding the process can help alleviate some of the stress associated with the experience, and Pronto Insurance is ready to give you the insight you need.

The Crucial First Steps
If you’re ever in an accident, it’s important to remember that there is a specific sequence of steps you must take to increase your chances of reaching a satisfactory outcome. These include:
-Assessing the Damage: Immediately after an accident, you must prioritize safety. Contact law enforcement and wait for them to arrive. Once it’s safe, take plenty of time to assess the
damage to your vehicle and any injuries to yourself or others involved. Remember to take pictures and gather contact information of witnesses who agree to be reached later.
-Contacting Your Insurance Company: Once you’ve assessed damage, it’s time to report the incident to your insurance provider. Remember, this is a crucial step in the process – failing to
contact your insurer promptly could affect your outcome.
-Provide Details: Be prepared to provide details such as the accident's date, time, and location, as well as any relevant documentation, such as the other party’s insurance information and
photos of the scene.

Prepare for the Claims Process
Once you’ve filed a claim, your insurance company will initiate an investigation. It’s important to remember this process is comprehensive and extensive. It can involve gathering statements from
involved parties, assessing damages, and determining fault.
The claims process also requires gathering repair estimates – your insurance provider may ask you to obtain repair estimates from approved mechanics or body shops. Once you’ve delivered these
assessments, your insurer will take time to evaluate your options and determine your coverage based on the policy you’re currently under.
Reaching a Resolution
After completing the investigation and claims processes, your insurance company will deliver a settlement for your claim. In most cases, this can involve covering the costs for repairs, medical
expenses, and other damages as mandated by your existing policy at the time of the crash.
If the settlement is not what you anticipated, remember that most insurance companies allow you to enter into an appeal process where you can dispute their decision by providing evidence that supports your case.

Need Coverage in All Area of Your Life?
Ask us about the different types of insurance we provide. Pronto Insurance can help you with:

-Renter’s Insurance
-Motorcycle Insurance
-Homeowner’s Insurance

Protection You Can Count On
There are no two ways: the insurance claim process can be overwhelming. However, working with your insurance provider should feel like a smooth process. If you’re currently dissatisfied with your insurance provider and want to explore options that prioritize you at all times, Pronto Insurance can help. Contact our experienced insurance agents today to learn more about our products and request a quote.

First-Time Homebuyer? Pronto Insurance Has Some Tips for You

Rocket Mortgage says spring is traditionally when most houses go up for sale. If you’re a first-time homebuyer looking to take advantage of the early year busy season, prepare for the need for home insurance coverage. At Pronto Insurance, we want you to make the decisions that best fit your needs, so we have a few tips to help you.

Recognize the Factors Affecting Insurance Rates
As you begin your home-buying journey, considering the factors influencing insurance rates is essential. For instance, house location, value, materials used to construct it, and even security features like fences and surveillance systems. Thoroughly identifying and understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions about your coverage as you get closer to making your purchase.

Navigating the Insurance Market
The insurance market is a vast landscape that can often feel overwhelming. With that in mind, you must take the time to compare policies from different insurers. Did you know you can get insurance for:
 Condos
 Renter’s
 Mobile Home
While you may need to focus primarily on premiums, it’s essential to consider coverage limits, deductibles, and the insurer’s reputation for customer service. If you narrow your house options, they may require additional coverage. For instance, if one of your house options is in an area prone to floods, you will likely need flood insurance.

Get Help to Make an Informed Decision
Setting up for the first insurance option you see or failing to evaluate all your options can become a poor decision in the long run. If you want coverage you can count on while maximizing your savings, seek guidance from an experienced insurance agent.  The professional team at Pronto Insurance can help clarify complex insurance jargon and ensure you get coverage that suits your needs.

We Have Your Back
Are you ready to start the new year with a new home? Pronto Insurance is prepared to help you keep it protected. We’ll assist you as you consider all your coverage options and guide you toward the protection that offers everything you need and nothing you don’t. Get in touch with us today for a quote or to learn more.

A 2024 Must: Revamp Your Home and Car Insurance for Peace of Mind

Spring is a time for new beginnings – flowers bloom, the weather turns pleasant, and we find the time to tidy up a year’s worth of clutter. Start fresh in the new year and review your
insurance coverage. There is always a risk of not covering your basics. We always ensure you understand your policy for:
 Home
 Auto
 Motorcycle
 Business insurance

Don’t let time pass before the next emergency. Review your policy now, and contact Pronto insurance to help you get the most for your money in 2024. Read below to learn how.

What’s Your Current Coverage?
To kick off your insurance review, we recommend re-reading your insurance policies, including health insurance. This step allows for a comprehensive overview of your coverage and an easy
comparison between policies.

Identify Gaps
As you study your existing coverage, consider any significant changes that may have occurred since the last time you reviewed your policies. Perhaps you renovated your home or made large
purchases – changes like these may require updates to your insurance. Next, pay close attention to the specifics of each of your policies. Understanding coverage limits
and exclusions is essential to understand your potential vulnerabilities better. Once you’ve identified gaps, you can make informed decisions about necessary adjustments.

Optimize and Update
Let’s say you’ve combed over your policies and found overlaps or duplications in your coverage. If you streamline and consolidate coverage where possible, you can potentially save on your
insurance costs without compromising the protection you rely on. Your reviewing process may get a little overwhelming. Not to worry – Pronto Insurance and its experts can assist you with valuable insights into optimizing your policies. They can guide you as you find the coverage you need while maximizing your savings.

Let’s Get Started
Reviewing your existing insurance policies is necessary and should be done regularly to optimize your savings and protection. Ready to get the most out of your coverage? We are, too!
Contact the experts at Pronto Insurance today to fine-tune your insurance needs and enhance how we protect you.

Remember Your 2024 Car Maintenance Checklist

The start of the year marks several things, but few are as impactful as pursuing a fresh start. Regarding your beloved vehicle, the new year gives you the time to review your car, make a list
of expenses you will need to make, and keep it running smoothly. Renew your relationship with your set of wheels while enabling you to keep it running as best as possible. Side note: the
same applies to your auto and motorcycle insurance!

Tire Check and Maintenance
Are your tires looking a little worse for wear? Kick off your maintenance checklist by ensuring your tires are safe and ready to go. We suggest examining tire pressure, tread wear, and a
professional inspection for alignment and balance. Remember, tires that are in good health can improve safety and positively impact insurance rates.

Fluid Levels and Routine Checks
Your vehicle has an abundance of fluids that allow it to run smoothly and safely. A lack of fluids can increase the risk of breakdowns or even more extensive and costly issues. Check and top off
all essential fluids, including engine oil, coolant, brake, and transmission fluids.

Safety Precautions
One of the best ways to optimize your vehicle’s safety is to ensure some of its essential components are working as expected. Components to cross off your checklist include rear and
side mirrors, headlights, and cameras. If you suspect your ABS, airbags, or other more intricate components of your car are not functioning correctly, it’s essential to have them inspected by a professional.

A Healthy Care Means Healthier Insurance Rates
Maintaining a clean driving record and ensuring your vehicle’s regular maintenance keeps you safe on the road and can qualify you for potential insurance discounts. If you’ve made
improvements to your car, closely examine your auto insurance policy and assess whether it still aligns with your current driving habits and vehicle status.

Pronto Insurance Has Your Back
At Pronto Insurance, we are keeping you safe, providing the peace of mind you need, and saving you money. If you’re currently considering new coverage for your vehicle, don’t hesitate
to give us a call. Our team of insurance agents is ready to answer your questions and help you formulate a policy that prioritizes precisely what you need.

2024 Tax Season: Your Return Can Improve Your Home Insurance Coverage

You’ve worked hard for an entire year, and the upcoming tax season brings you a unique opportunity to bolster the protection surrounding your most valuable investment: your home.
If you’re anticipating a tax refund, you may want to consider using it to fortify your home insurance coverage for better protection and peace of mind.

Some Questions You’ll Want to Consider
Investing in your home’s protection should be a breeze of a decision to make. If it isn’t, consider some of the following questions:
 Does my policy adequately cover the total value of my home and possessions?
 Am I protected against potential liabilities?
 Does my policy include coverage for unexpected events like natural disasters or theft?
By identifying any areas of improvement in your existing policy, you’ll lay a solid foundation for utilizing your tax return strategically.

Maximize Your Coverage When and Where It Matters 
Let’s say you’ve renovated your home in the last year – you may want to consider adjusting your insurance accordingly. Upgrading your policy to reflect these changes ensures that your
increased property value and investments are adequately protected. Likewise, suppose you’ve made high-value jewelry, art, or collectibles purchases. In that case,
you may want to use your tax return to add special endorsements or riders that provide specific coverage for your prized possessions. Keep in mind standard policies have limits on these

But Why Is This the Right Call?
It’s all about protecting the material things you care about. Sure, investing in comprehensive insurance might seem like an added expense, but it’s a proactive approach to safeguarding your
home against unforeseen circumstances. While enhancing coverage is essential, you also want to balance protection and savings. That is
to say, you shouldn’t just increase your costs without rhyme or reason. You can optimize your insurance without substantially increasing costs by evaluating different coverage options,
deductibles, and potential discounts.

Get a Good Deal
Let’s be frank – insurance and all it entails can be a confusing process to take on. But don’t worry; Pronto Insurance is here to make your journey as easy and quick as possible. Our team
of insurance agents is ready to provide the information you need as you make crucial decisions. We’ll help you evaluate your budget while recommending tailored solutions that fit your needs.
Ready for a quote? Get in touch with Pronto Insurance today!